
If you have found this blog you are welcome to use the information anyway you see fit. This is simply a collection of my writings about the endangered Scrub Jay bird which is endemic to the state of Florida. I wanted to document all behaviors and observations, many of which I have not seen documented… Continue reading Welcome

FL Scrub Jay Territory

I have discussed previously in this blog how the FL Scrub-Jay typically stays within its own little area. They become masters of their small space and anytime another scrub-jay not from that little area comes into it, all hell breaks loose. These birds are very territorial. However, small evolutions do occur. The same bird couple… Continue reading FL Scrub Jay Territory

Beloved Florida Icon

A message from Archbold Biological Station: The charismatic Florida Scrub-Jay, with its showy movements, brilliant flashy blue color, and distinctive call, is the only species of bird found exclusively in Florida. This fascinating bird is a beloved state icon. Yet, with fewer than 5,000 individuals remaining, this federally threatened species needs your help! Your generous support helps Archbold… Continue reading Beloved Florida Icon

Jay Watch Program

If you live in Florida and are interested in donating your time to help count our favorite little blue bird, there is a group of people you can join. The Florida Scrub Jay is down to only 3 or 4 thousand birds in total number and it is imperative that we keep an eye on… Continue reading Jay Watch Program

Categorized as Scrub Jay

New Batch of Chicks

Pretty exciting news. I discovered a scrub-jay nest and when one of the parents landed near it I could hear the little chicks making chirping noises. They were very low volume which is good in that it does not draw a lot of attention from predators. The bush they picked was perfect. I don’t know… Continue reading New Batch of Chicks